Sunday, March 30, 2014

The End of Sunday Snippets BUT... #frifreebits

Sadly, I must announce the end of Sunday Snippets.  Although I have some great friends who have willingly participated, the use of the Linky List has been more confusing than helpful.  Yesterday, when I went to comment on blogs, I found the wrong lists added to some people's post, no banners or links, and in some cases, people didn't bother to post.Can't say that I blame them!  I chalk all these mistakes up to my own y inability to figure out how the link works.  As a matter of fact, I thought I had it figured out, and today when I went into the blog, the entire list of those who had signed up last week was missing.  I went into the Linky List Tool and manually added this list back, but even then I found discrepancies.

My second reason is competition.  The recent addition of a new western blog who has also chosen to do 'Saddle Up for Sunday Snippets' will be I'm going to figure out something Friday Freebits.  If you would like to continue sharing six paragraphs of your work for free promo, then let me know.  Instead of using the linky list (for which I have to pay), I'll just ask that you notify me via email each week with your name and link. Seems I've doing everything manually, I might as well make it legit.  *lol*  If enough of you want to continue...we can use this pretty graphic.

The rules will remain the same.  Share six paragraphs, use the graphic and just post a link back to my blog for the list...this way, there won't be any errors. me at and let me know if you want to have a permanent fixture for your Fridays.  It sure makes things easier for me to plan ahead.  I can schedule the blog and be ready. PLUS...the blog will remain all through the weekend, giving more people the ability to visit.

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