Thursday, August 20, 2015

Casting Your Characters - Heroine choice for Sarah's Heart and Passion

I'm borrowing part of a blog done by Michelle Lee, the person who designed my beautiful covers for Books We Love.  She asked us to identify who we thought would be perfect to play the part of our hero and heroines.  Today is the ladies day and I'll introduce you to my choice to play my heroine:

Heading towards us now is Sarah Collins.
Nicole Kidman

Character Name: Sarah Collins
Book(s) Featuring the Character: Sarah's Heart and Sarah's Passion
Author: Ginger Simpson

About Sarah: Sarah is brave, passionate, but she detests people who judge others.  She's a beauty, but doesn't flaunt it, and she loves Wolf like she's loved no other even though he's a half-breed.

Ginger's Casting Pick: "I pick Nicole Kidman because she looks the part and I've seen her in many roles and she so adaptive.  I think she'd make a wonderful Sarah."

Book Blurb:  Sarah Collins set her sights for California and a new beginning, but never imagines a war party's attack on the wagon train she joins. A sole survivor, Sarah must find her way back to civilization, and a man of half-blood happens along at just the right time and becomes her hero...or is the whole scenario only a dream driven by all the romance novels she reads as an editor?

Sarah wakes, her cheeks damp with tears. Like a dust devil in a dying windstorm, all traces of her handsome rescuer vanish with a farewell kiss and the annoying blast of an alarm clock...until he appears at her door as a new neighbor. Will Sarah find a way to win the love she tried so hard to capture in her dream without being declared insane, or will the sexy woman living an apartment away beat Sarah at her own game? 
A Shining Moment for Sarah:  

Stopping at the table where Sarah stood, the woman fingered an array of ribbons.
Sarah smiled at her. “Good morning. I couldn’t help but overhear your mention of an
upcoming social….”

The matron peered down her angular nose. “Yes, it’s a yearly affair, but…” Her cold,
gaze raked over Sarah’s attire. “Surely you aren’t inquiring for yourself. It’s usually only
attended by those able to dress for the occasion.”

Sarah gasped at the woman’s rudeness, but wasn’t about to let it pass. Cocking her head,
hands on her hips, Sarah drew up to her full height. “Oh, then there’s no worry. My mother
taught me to dress myself when I was quite young. She also taught me not to be rude to my
elders, so I’ll overlook the fact that you’re a snobbish old biddy.” Surprised by her own outburst,
Sarah stared at the woman with wide eyes, waiting for a response. None came.

With mouth agape, the older woman huffed out of the store. Sarah went back to perusing
the dresses and heard Clarence chuckling behind the counter. She giggled, too, pleased that she’d
stood up for herself. People who judged others by their appearance deserved the same disrespect.

If you are looking for ready made covers or breathtaking banners, make sure to check our Michelle Lee's designs:


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