I sat down and forced myself to develop an idea that I could turn into a
book. That idea eventually turned into the recently released, OH BOY, YOU’RE HAVING A GIRL: A Dad’s Survival Guide to
Raising Daughters (great
gift for Father’s Day, I might add!). It took considerable time to come up with
the right hook. That’s why I’m offering up these tips that I learned along the
way. I hope to save you a few headaches and a little time as you develop your
1. Force Yourself to Sit Down and Think - Like
most writers, I come up with ideas for books daily. Could be from a magazine
article that caught my eye. Could be from a conversation I overheard. Could be
from a dream I had. One idea came from a joke written on a popsicle stick! But
were any of these ideas actually any good? Thanks to the success of my
parenting blog TheLifeOfDad.com, I knew that the book I wanted to write needed
to be about parenting, so it helped me weed out the most ridiculous ideas and
focus on the ones that were most likely built to suit my writing.
2. Force Yourself to Do Some Research - Every
genre and market already has many books associated with it. In order to find
success, you have to find a way to make your book stand out. When I was
considering ideas for OH BOY, I searched on Amazon and spent time at Barnes
& Noble, browsing all the books in the parenting section. There were plenty
of how-to books and “what to expect” books and sentimental books, so I had to
figure out where my niche would be. One of my favorite books of all time is W.
Bruce Cameron’s, 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter. This got
me thinking: I have three daughters all under the age of five, so What if I
wrote a humorous guide for the early years of raising a daughter? And
that’s how the idea of OH BOY was born.
3. Force Yourself to Write - Having
a good idea is only half the battle. Executing that idea into a book takes
time, patience and plenty of caffeine. I started with an introduction, setting
a goal of 1,500 words. If I couldn’t come up with 1,500 words that opened the
doorway to a book on the topic, then I shouldn’t write it. Thankfully, I did
write an introduction—and a reasonably solid one at that. It took me a couple
of tries and a lot of editing, but once I cleared that hurdle I was confident I
could write a full book on the topic.
4. Force Yourself to Form a Gameplan -
many chapters should the book have? What should the topics be? Should my book
be straight humor or humor mixed with actual advice? Forming a game plan is
much like developing a book proposal that you’d ship off to an agent or editor.
It’s helpful to answer these questions before you start writing your book and
querying agents. If you’re writing nonfiction (like me), you need a full outline when querying. If you’re writing a novel, you’ll need to write the entire book first before making your
pitches. Either way, the earlier in the process you can make decisions, the
better—it’ll help keep you glued to the task at hand, which is write your book.
5. Force Yourself to Have Fun and Believe in Your Writing - Every
writer goes through moments of self-doubt. We’re in a business that is designed
to reject people over and over again, even the brilliant ones who go on to sell
millions of copies. (Did you know Kathryn Socket’s The Help was turned down 60 times before finally landing an agent and going on to be a bestseller—and a movie?)
Keep in mind that you love writing and, no matter how hard it seems at times,
you’re doing it because you enjoy it. The more you do that and the more you
believe in what you’re trying to accomplish, the harder you’ll work at it and
the better your idea and your writing will be for it.

Check out my humor book, Oh Boy, You’re Having a Girl.
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