Janet Lane Walters: I've been published since 1968 and that was in short story. As the short story market dried up I expanded to novels and was finally published in 1972 with "sweet" nurse stories. Having four children, came the need to help send them through college so I returned to work as a nurse. Finally returned to writing around 1990, had a book published for a line that promptly died. Then I discovered electronic publishing. Still have many copies of the little discs of the first published books. This was 1998 and I've never looked back.
I live in a village on the scenic Hudson River. This
has been the venue for a number of my books. Being someone who reads about
everything, I write the same way. A lot of my stories are romances, but there
are mysteries, suspense and fantasy for adults and YA.
Once upon a time I wrote poetry, even had some
published and was paid in money for one. I used to compose music, but this was
difficult since I play the piano with one or two fingers. For a number of years
a friend and I did Astrological charts for people, earning enough money to take
a trip to Ireland. Now I'm a grandmother with seven grandchildren ranging in
age from 5 to 24. Four are biracial and 3 Chinese. We definitely have a mixed
up family and I love that.
Book Summary/Blurb: Lines of Fire
To honor a promise made to his dying father, Alric
trains as a Defender. For some reason the Swordmaster wishes him gone and his
first two bondings end in failure. A failed third one will see Alric banished.
His meeting with the older daughter of the Swordmaster reveals a double heart
bond, but she has been promised to Petan, the Swordmaster’s favorite. A duel is
fought and though Alric can read Petan’s lines of fire, the other dueler cheats
and nearly kills Alric. Petan is banished but he knows secret ways into
Defenders Hall. Kalia, his now bondmate’s lines are tarnished. Not only do
Alric and Kalia need to find Petan, they must learn how to cleanse her lines.
What inspired you to write this book? For Lines of Fire I'm afraid a vivid imagination was what spurred
this story. I was doing a bit of bedtime meditation when a picture formed and
it showed a man with red lines over his body. Some strange thought hit me. What
if there were people with lines of fire that showed on their skin and there
were people who could read them. Also I knew they had fled their home land and
had entered the mists with other guilds and common people to escape some
evil men. From there, the story took off.
If you had to sum it up your book in 30 or less words, what would
you say? Fantasy romance with sword-fighting and adventure. A pair of
bonded mates opposing some nasty villains.
Do you have a favorite character in this book? Who and why? The hero Alric is my favorite. He is a man who keeps his promises to the dead and the living. Doesn't hurt that he's tall, broad shouldered and handsome.
What has been your greatest challenge in writing this book? Getting back to my sword-fighting days when the moves are much impeded by the aging process. Sometimes I act things out to get the proper wording.
Do you have plans for a new book? Is this book part of a
series? Someday there will be two more books in this series. One will be
called Tainted Lines and the other I have no title for. There could also be three
other trilogies in the over-all Guild House world.
What has been your greatest pleasure in writing this book? This book? I'd have to
think. I enjoyed the sword fighting parts and also seeing the characters
develop. I really just love creating situations and people to fill them.
Of the books you’ve written, which is your favorite? I'm fickle. My favorite
book I've written is always the one I'm working on.
If you could meet any writer, dead or alive, who would it be? What would you want to
know? Perhaps
Tolstoy. To ask him why he turned Anna Karenina into such a tragedy. Remember
reading this in third grade, and wrote a book report that says the heroine was
dumb. Was nearly suspended from school but my father took on the teachers. Also
was great when I was allowed to go to the adult section of the local library to
pick books.
What was the last truly great book you read? That's so hard since I
read a book every few days and I also re-read books, especially when an author
on my keeper shelf has a new book. Right now I'm reading Cherryh's Foreigner
series from start to finish. I'm on book 13. Just love the alien culture and
the characters.
Did the plot of the book turn out the way you planned or did
something change during the process of writing it?
In Lines of Fire, the plot stayed pretty much the same
as I planned, but then I'm a plotter so while there can be small surprises, the
projected end is always in sight.
can your readers find you?
Blog: http://wwweclecticwriter.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http:@JLWalters717
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Janet-Lane-Walters/e/B0034P79H0/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1369082287&sr=1-2-ent
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/janet.l.walters.3?v=wall&story_fbid=113639528680724
Publisher: http://bookswelove.net/

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