Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tootin' My Own Horn

This is a re-run from 2009, of course, I've updated my backlist and added some more current info:

Today, I'm going to share my interview that was published on All Romance Ebooks. It wasn't very well publicized, since I couldn't  find it to promote it, so without further ado...more about ME, courtesy of Julie from All Romance: Make sure to scroll down to the bottom to see what else I'm undertaking. *lol*

Julie: How long have you been writing? What inspired you to pick the pen up one day and create characters that capture the imagination? 

Ginger: I think I've written most of my life. I even took delight in English class when we focused on writing business letters.  I've always been the person in the office who people called on to create silly poems and write scripts for plays, and after years of reading every historical novel I could find with "savage" in the title, I decided to write my own. So, in 2002, I sat down at the computer, cracked my knuckles and started Prairie Peace. 

Julie: What influenced you to get published? How long did it take for your first book to get published? 

Ginger: Once I finished Prairie Peace, the next obvious step was trying to find someone to publish it. Knowing I didn't have an agent to try to get a foot in bigger doors, I started querying Internet publishers. I was lucky. My first query resulted in an acceptance. It took less than two months. Oh, if only it was so easy today. All those people who were 'readers' when I started, now have their own books published. The arena is getting crowded. 

Julie: What makes your characters so vulnerable yet strong? Can you describe them to us? What do you do when characters stop talking to you when writing? 

Ginger: My characters are vulnerable because I am, and they're strong because I give them the power I wish I possessed. I think somewhere you'll find a trace of every author in their characters. I never worry when my characters stop talking. I have so many of them roaming around in my head, one is always screaming for my attention. The question for me: how do I make them shut up? I already have so many projects started, the last thing I need is another hero or heroine showing up with yet another great idea. 

Julie: What about the heroines for these determined heroes? What makes them strong enough capture the heroes' heart? 

Ginger: Unless someone is a 'pantser' rather than a 'plotter,' my answer probably won't make much sense. I'm just own the fingers that do the typing. Writing a book is like telling myself a story. I can't wait to see how it plays out. When a character comes to me, they already have a hero or heroine in tow, totally devoted to them and ready to capture the heart of the readers. Oh, I have to add a word here or there, but mainly, it's my characters who unveil the essence of the story to me. 

Julie: When a new book comes out, are you nervous about how readers will react to it? 

Ginger: Of course. Every book is a labor of love. Mother's everywhere understand. Debuting a newly-released book is like taking your baby out in public. You certainly never want anyone to chuck the child's cheek and tell you how ugly it is. *lol* 

Julie: Who are you favorite authors to read? 

Ginger: Like everyone else, I appreciate a ton of mainstream authors, but this year, I'm devoting my attention solely to my e-pubbed peers. Mainstream authors have so many avenues of promotion open to them, they don't need my help. My fav list grows everyday, but I'll mention some of my very favorites: Anita Davison, Ciara Gold, Phyllis Cummings, Margaret Tanner, Tricia McGill, Jaydyn Chelcee…the list just continues on and on. If only everyone knew the wealth of talent they are missing by not checking the Internet. 

Julie: What is your writing process? Do you outline, fly by the seat of your pants or a combination of both? 

Ginger: As I mentioned above, I'm purely a 'pantser.' I've tried plotting and it doesn't work for me, because my characters tell the story, not me. 

Julie: What do you feel is the most important thing that first-time authors should know? 

Ginger: Grow a tough skin. The industry is growing in leaps and bounds, and even publishing on the Internet level has become competitive and harder to achieve. The saying that best fits is, "If you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the kitchen." As much as you want everyone to love your work and tell you how wonderful you are, you're bound to find someone who will find fault. The secret is gleaning helpful hints from the negative and turning them into positive. 

Julie: What's next for you? 

Ginger: Finishing any ONE of the projects I have going. After the re-release of Sisters in Time by Eternal Press in July, I'm going to be dead in the water unless I get my butt in gear. (This book is now released by BWL as's nice to have an opportunity to go back over a book and correct things you might have done differently if only you'd known.)

Julie: What are you working on now? 

Ginger: I currently am dividing my time between First Degree Innocence, The Locket, Odessa, Shortcomings, and all the other tasks that come with being an author.  ((First Degree Innocence, The Locket, and Odessa are all finished and available...have been for a few years.  Shortcomings is under review by the editors and Books We Love and will be re-released with a new cover, but same title since it describes the essence of the story so well.)

Julie: What do you hope for your writing career in the next few years? Any goals that you have yet to obtain that you have set for yourself? 

Ginger: I'm very proud of my accomplishments, but I've always wanted to climb just one step higher in whatever I did in life. When I started this, I set goals for myself, and the final is seeing at least ONE book published by a company that places them in an actual brick and mortar store. It's never been the amount money for me, and I'm glad because I would have been sorely disappointed. I just want to be able to tell my friends they can waltz into Walmart or Borders and find my book. (Well, I'm still proud of all my accomplishments, but I gave up on seeing one of my books in a store since I hid one under my coat and smuggled it into Walmart and took a picture of it on the "Best Sellers" list. gotta do what you gotta do to make those dreams come true. was only a minute of fame, but hey!!!)

Julie: What books are currently on your nightstand? 

Ginger: It's very hard to find time to read anything these days outside my critique group. When I do read, it's only internet books, so there is nothing on my nightstand except a lamp, my white noise machine and a little dust. I keep hoping for a Kindle, but I don't see it happening until they fall into the same price range as a McDonald's Happy Meal. *lol* (Good news...I finally got my Kindle but it's filled with books I can't find time to read.)

After taking an early retirement, Ginger lives in Tennessee with her husband Kelly. When she's not quelling the screams of the characters in her head, she's babysitting her 6-year-old grandson, Spencer. He suffers from autism, and the true goal she wants to achieve in life is seeing him mainstream into an independent, happy and healthy young man. Writing is her passion, but Spencer is her life.  (Can you believe Spencer is Eleven and in the fifth grade?)

Backlist (updated to current)

Destiny's Bride,
Books We Love
White Heart, Lakota Spirit, Eternal Press
Culture Shock, Books We Love
Betrayed, Books We Love
Discovery, Books We Love

Ages of Love, Books We Love
Odessa, Eternal Press
Forever Faith, Eternal Press

Ellie's Legacy, Books We Love
Time Tantrums, Books We Love
Sarah's Heart, Books We Love
Sarah's Passion, Books We Love
The Locket, Eternal Press

Coming Soon:
Shortcomings - Books We Love
Beaches - Books We Love

Update note:  Seven short stories that were previously published solo are now compiled and appearing in Discovery.  Ages of Love includes three novellas that were previously published under their own names.  My current WIP is Yellow Moon, and I hope we all live long enough for me to finish it.  :)

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