Friday, June 21, 2024

Where Do Your Ideas Come From? By Connie Vines #Writing Tips, #Round Robin Blog Hop, #Ideas,

 Where do my ideas come from?

I must confess that it is not an easily defined topic, but it is worth pondering.

There are three general perspectives when it comes to the origin of ideas:

Psychology, Philosophy, and Anthropology (none of which I will delve into).

Instead, I will muddle through my process. 

1. Dialogue will pop into my head. I find myself 'obsessed' with a style of music, a period of history, or even a type of food. 

2. I have stenopads where I compile research. (Pen-to-paper assists in the creative process.)

3. False starts. Numerous.

4. Staring at the blank computer monitor.

5. Then something clicks, and I create an opening scene. 

6. My ideas are a mixture of my life experiences and how I process them. 

7. My stories contain humor with a HEA while still dealing with real-life challenges (childhood abandonment and an alcoholic parent) "Lynx."

Raising a child after the death of a spouse. "Brede."

My stories can also be funny, quirky, mysterious...

...Or even supernatural 

 8. While a nomadic childhood has given me insight into the regional quirks and cultures of the USA.

Texas rodeos, farm and ranch life, tales of the 'dust bowl' years. And, of course, hundreds of ways to prepare chili. 

Swamps, hurricanes, learning to bake, when to wear gloves, and, most importantly, alligators can sprint uphill.

I will forever dislike snow, and I'm still petrified of snowmen.

This lifestyle also made me an observer. I evaluated what worked and did not work for me. 

 9. It's the start of summer, and a mini heatwave is underway (temperatures are in the low 100s). I'm sipping my morning coffee outdoors, overlooking the rose garden.  

10. Right now, I'm in the development phase of two novellas and plotting a new series.

Please visit the authors participating in this month's Round Robin Blog Hop.

Connie Vines

Diane Bator

Anne Stenhouse

Helena Fairfax

Judith Copek

Dr. Bob Rich

Skye Taylor


  1. Hi Connie, I love how you say that your experiences have made you an observer. My feeling is all writers are wonderful observers. And I really love the little details you've drawn of your travels - especially the sprinting alligator! Thanks for the fun and informative post.

  2. I had to chuckle about staring at a blank monitor. My option when that happens is to go for a walk, Often whole scenes will just pop into my head and and I can't wait to get home and start typing. Experiences definitely do inform our writing - the more you experience what life has to throw at you, the more diverse your writing can become.


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