Thursday, October 11, 2007


I've had the privilege of critiquing both of these wonderful novels, and I'm so pleased to add a personal recommendation for Anita Davison. This humble woman doesn't even recognize her own talent, but Enspiren Press has realized what a star she is and, on the heels, of her first novel, has contracted a second. Both are stories you won't want to miss. Duking Days Rebellion is available now, and Duking Days Revolution is coming soon. I hear rumors of a third. *grinning*. I feel honored to know this lady and call her friend.

This review backs me up:

Coffee Time Romance - Rating: 5 Cups

This is an excellent and engaging read. If you love historical romances, this is a book you should be clamoring to get. Do not pass on this story of courage, hope, despair, and loyalty. Yes, this book encompasses it all and with great depth. Ms. Davison has brought feeling to her characters and will have you cheering for the good guys and despising the bad guys. Her descriptions are so accurate and detailed, you would swear she had lived in that time period. I cried while reading certain parts, the emotion was so real, and for me that makes an excellent read. I cannot wait for the sequel to come out and continue this wonderful adventure. Ms. Davison has struck gold with her first book and has won reader loyalty from this reviewer.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance

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