Thursday, October 11, 2007

Purple Heart


I'm Elaine Cantrell, and I'd like to share an excerpt from my April release, Purple Heart. Here's a blurb to tell you what it's about:

Jenna West has no idea what she might have done to her new tenant, Mike Hightower. He's surly and hateful every single time they meet, and he looks at her as though he despises her.

He does despise her. She's from the Middle East, and peopple like her killed his friend, Ramirez when the army sent them to Iraq.

Will the power of love work its magic to soften Mike's bitter hatred, or will he ignore his growing attraction for his pretty landlady?

In this excerpt Mike is trying to rent an apartment from Jenna:

As he drove across town he thought about his attitude toward the people who lived in the Middle east. Well, maybe prejudice might be a better word. Had he always been prejudiced against people of other races and religions?

No, he didn’t think so, and it burned him up that the Iraqi people had taught him to hate. He didn’t like feeling hard and angry inside, but even though his head told him not to make a blanket judgment about any group of people, his heart just wouldn’t cooperate.

He found the rental without any trouble. The small, rectangular shaped house had two front doors on one of the short sides. It looked to Mike as if Ms. West had recently painted. He wouldn’t have thought of painting the house a bright, cheery yellow, but he liked it very much.

He didn’t see a doorbell so he knocked on the right hand door. Ms. West opened it almost immediately, giving Mike the shock of his life. In spite of her all American accent and name, Jenna West was Middle Eastern! He had seen women just like her every day of his life when he served in the army. The only difference was that in the Middle East people like her spent a lot of time throwing rocks and yelling obscenities.

“Are you Jenna West?” he asked.

Thanks for reading!

Elaine Cantrell

Hope. Dreams. Life... Love

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