Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Try this Quick Quiz

Hi Ginger and y'all...
Again I would like to thank Ginger for hosting this blog. What a great range of posts you have had already. I have added new books to my 'to buy' and 'to read' list. Thank you to those authors who have shared excerpts! They are wonderful previews.

To day I have been out and about. On Friday I meet with one of my readers, a fan who has purchased my books and is eager to read the next. Since it is still a while before it will be published, she has agreed to help me proof read the draft. After arranging to have coffee with her, I have picked up a series of photographs shot at a mediaeval re enactment weekend. Taken by a fellow member of our local writers group, the photos are awesome. Today I gave them to another 'fan' (who has been reading my books from day one). He has some brilliant ideas about cover designs. Later this month there is a local mediaeval day and with luck and some sunshine we should have the opportunity to get the 'right' shots. Hopefully they will work for my Fantasy covers and book trailers. At least that is the idea.

So, apart from actual writing, my day has been spent doing 'author' type stuff. It really is a huge amount of fun.

Meanwhile... another off topic post. Just a bit of fun. My last post was a bit deep and dismal. So perhaps this is a bit lighter reading.
Last night I was given this quick quiz. It took me a little while to fill in the blanks, but the grey matter had a little exercise and that can't be a bad thing. Hope you have fun with it.
This is not a test of your mathematical ability. It will however test your mental flexibility and creativity. Since the test was developed it has been found that few people can solve more than half the questions in the first try.
Many get answers long after the test has been set aside and may even get them all over several days. Accept this as a personal challenge.

Instructions: Each question below contains the initials of words that will make it correct. Find the missing words. The first one is done for you.

1. 26- L of A 26 L etters of the A lphabet

2. 7- W of the A W ………………………………………..

3. 1001- A N ……………………………………………………

4. 12- S of the Z …………………………………………

5. 54- C in a D (with the J) ……………………………..

6. 9 – P in the S S …………………………………………….

7. 88- K on a P …………………………………………….

8. 13- S on the A F ………………………………………….

9. 32- D at which W F ……………………………………….

10. 18- H on a G C …………………………………………….

11. 90- D in a R A ………………………………………………

12. 200- D for P G in M …………………………………..

13. 20000- L U T S …………………………………………….

14. 3- B M ………………………………………………………..

15. 366- D in a L Y …………………………………………….

16. 24- H in a D ………………………………………………..

17. 1- W on a U …………………………………………………

18. 5- R form the O S …………………………………………

19. 57- H V ………………………………………………………

20. 11- P in a C T ……………………………………………..

21. 1000- W that a P is W ………………………………..

22. 29- D in F in a L Y ………………………………………

23. 64- S on a C B ……………………………………………..

24. 40- D and N of the G F ……………………………….


Thanks again Ginger, for allowing us to share your blog this week.

By the way.. I have a set of answers that seem to fit. If anyone is stuck.

Rosalie Skinner, Author of Exiled: Autumn's Peril... coming soon from Enspiren Press


  1. Boy, do I feel dumb. I didn't do so well. Here are my answers...perhaps someone else can fill in what I couldn't figure out. Of course, I didn't spend much time one it. (excuse) :)
    3. Arabian Nights
    4. Signs of the Zodiac
    8. Stars on the American Flag
    9. Degrees at which Water Freezes
    10. Holes on a golf course
    13. Leagues Under the Sea
    15. Days in a Leap Year
    16. Hours in a day
    19. Heinz Varieties
    22. Day in February in Leap Year
    24. Days and Nights of the Great Flood

  2. one It? I think I meant ON it. :) Duh uh!

  3. Hi Ginger,
    You did OK!!! I thought the thirteen was stripes on the American Flag? But not being American I wasn't sure. I thought they had a star for each state?
    Maybe someone will set us right?
    Great blog. You have some awesome friends. Thanks for inviting me to join you.
    At the end of the week I will post the answers I came up with, here in the comments.

    The 200 D for P G in M had me going for ages.


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