Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Holidays from Ireland

Grace Tierney is a freelance writer, survey-fieldworker, and mum living in rural Ireland. Her work in fiction and non-fiction has been published internationally in magazines, anthologies, online media, newspapers, and coffee tins. She believes in looking on the bright side and has published “Positive Thoughts for Writers” and "The Writing Contest Expert's Guide to Fiction Contests" available at Lulu.

She is currently writing her second chicklit/humour novel. For more information about Grace’s work see Grace's Web Site.

She submits the following photos from her home in Meath, Ireland with a description of each:

Tree – always has to be a real one (it’s wood-chipped in the New Year) and always stays up until the 6th of January to observe the twelve days of Christmas. This year it was decorated by my husband and Eleanor (3) and Daniel (5) so some branches are overladen with ornaments and others are bare. It’s topped with a homemade peg angel and a wooden star I painted myself.

Tree detail – everytime I have travelled anywhere with my husband of eight years we have bought a Christmas tree decoration so as we dress the tree we recall our travels. In this section of the tree you can see Maltese glass grapes, Italian glass vial, Santa climbing the Eiffel tower, a shell from Mauritius, a globe from Scotland, a jumper from a friend, and a silver sleigh from Ireland. I hope to travel enough to merit a larger tree someday!

Bookcase – I love these dangly leg characters but unfortunately my kids thing they are soft-toys, hence the high location

Crib – I’ve put all the pieces in for this photo but usually we fill the crib on the right days as each character in the story arrives in Bethlehem (the three kings/magi arrive quite late for example). Jesus is placed in the crib on Christmas morning by the youngest household member. The straw is taken from last year’s church crib to bring good fortune to our own family home for the coming year.

Entrance – The elves have taken over

Hearth – we hope Santa can avoid our collection of pine cones and driftwood when coming to fill our stockings. Perhaps sleepy Rudolph will help him?

Kind regards and Happy Christmas!

Grace Tierney

1 comment:

  1. Loved your description of how your ornaments are hung. Although my kids are older, we still get some odds looks to my tree.

    Enjoyed your article!


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