Saturday, January 14, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday

Welcome to SSS again.  I'm continuing with another six from my time-travel with an historical twist, Sisters in Time. In this scene, Taylor has just awaken in Mariah's bedroom, in the late 1800s.  The last thing she recalls is driving her Lexus to work in downtown Denver, fiddling with the radio to quell the onset of static, and then hearing a crunch of metal.  She's bruised, bandaged and dizzy, and dealing with a strange man who insists she's his wife, and she's losing patience with him.  He's trying to refresh her memory my mentioning their daughter, Callie.

 Taylor winced when she squared her shoulders. She massaged her temples with her fingertips. “Look, Frank, or whatever your name is. I don’t know any Callie, and I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but it’s not working. Don’t piss me off. Either call me a taxi or bring me the damn phone!”

Tune in next week for Frank's reaction.  :)


  1. Great six. I can almost hear him reply. Taxi? Phone? Another for my to read list.

  2. Oh, fabulous six. You've got me with this one. Dying to know his response.

  3. Tee hee! always love those juxtapositions in cultures/time periods! I linked to this from mine, as it's also a time travel...

  4. Time travel twist on Wife Swap! Great premise.

  5. That poor man's gonna be more confused than she is!

  6. I think she made her point...but Frank might be a little startled by her 21st c. language in the 1880's. Great snippet.

  7. Ha! Can't wait to hear your description of his reaction. Phone?? Wha?? :)

  8. Just popped over from Angela Quarles six--wonder what happened to his wife. In the Lexus crash?

  9. Great six - am really looking forward to his reaction!

  10. I can't wait to read his response! Especially to TAXI!

  11. Nice scene! Can't wait to see what he says.

  12. Great pace and feel. Well done.

  13. Ha, a phone and taxi back in the 1800's...snicker. I'm a little sad though for the husband and the child but I'm sure they'll figure it all out eventually.

  14. Poor old Frank probably doesn't know what the heck she's talking about. Wonderful snippet.

  15. Great six! I adore time travel romances so definitely looking forward to this one!


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