Sunday, March 17, 2013


Happy St. Patrick's Day.  I'm scheduling this post on Saturday and celebrating a day early, but unfortunately just doing a happy dance with no green beer involved.

Thank Goodness for Amazon and the opportunity to improve old works.  A whole lot of years ago, my debut novel was released.  I thought I knew it all back then, and thanks to an historically oriented editor, I learned a valuable lesson about credibility.  Although I've read western historicals for most of my life...starting with the Little House Series in grammar school, I was a reader and not an author.  I didn't know the secrets for drawing the interest of the person holding the book, and more importantly, keeping it.

Historical readers want to be able to believe the facts in novels dealing with the past are true.  There is no quicker way to lose credibility as an historical writer than to use untrue events or muster up something that doesn't fit the era.  You can't have a microwave on a wagon train and have it go unnoticed.  *smile*

Although, my historical references were accurate, I believe my editor was an author who knew little more than I did about the mechanics of good writing.  I received a four-star review from Romantic Times, but if you can write a good enough story, you might detract from the obvious faux pas, because by today's standards the content was fraught with them.

Thanks to Books We Love, I've had an opportunity to re-write and rename by debut novel and I'm happy to announce that Destiny's Bride is available on Amazon as of today.  I'll have a video trailer soon, but in the meantime, I hope you'll check out the listing, and give my heroine and heroes (2) a try. I think you'll enjoy the ride because I've gotten good reviews even with less than stellar skills.  One thing's for sure, learning is never-ending when you write.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the re-release! Isn't it amazing how much we learn over the years ... so happy you got Destiny's Bride out on the market again ... you've proved yourself as a fabulous writer and I'm sure this book is a great read ... I look forward to it. Hugs, Rita


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