Monday, March 24, 2014

Security or Paranoia?

Please keep in mind this is only my opinion, but I believe the decline in people commenting on blog posts is due to the extra steps they have to take in order to leave one.

 I try to be diligent, visiting all the people participating in shared events, but I'm so turned off by the "captcha" requirements and now the "prove you aren't a robot" numbers and letters that I'd rather just move along. My main reason is my eye sight.

 I don't see nearly as well as I used to...even with glasses, and those extra steps aren't that easy to see. I end up trying at least two or three times before I get one right, and that's even more reason to not go to the extra trouble. 

 The other thing that annoys me is comment moderation. I think it's insulting.

 What I'd like to know...has everyone had problems with unwanted comments or comments so bad you need to moderate them before they appear? I've been blogging since 2007 and only had disturbing comments once when I found myself in the middle of a job I did for an author I had no idea was a hot topic on the loops. I learned to research clients, and never had another problem.

  I don't have a "captcha" on my blog nor do I moderate, so I was just curious why it seems more and more people do.  It's time consuming enough to trek from blog to blog and when you have to waste time entering letters and numbers in order to comment, I think most people, including me, choose to mosey on by.


  1. I can't remember if mine has a captcha, as I can't see it when I'm signed in. I know I have mine set to moderate comments after they are 3 days old, but that's because I used to get a LOT of spam comments for all kinds of products that had nothing whatsoever to do with my blog. I was having to come in and delete so often it became a hassle.

    I also once got a comment from someone harassing me for posting about my sadness over the loss of an actor. I often times post things that are personal to me, or weighed heavily on my mind.

    The commenter went into a long drawn out diatribe about what a bad actor the guy and how he couldn't understand why I would admire or be brokenhearted over the loss of a crashed-and-burned has-been. I felt there was no need for an attack on me like that. It was simply my personal thoughts, but it apparently incited all kinds of anger issues.

    I went into my settings and I apparently did have the word verification on. I turned that off. Hope that helps.

  2. Taryn,
    You obviously have had problems that may warrant the captcha. I never have had other than one time, and it was my fault, but I also believe in spirited discussions. Sometimes people make asses of themselves in their comments and it's there for all the world to see. If someone does post something I feel is too offensive, I can always delete it. :) Thank you for making it easier to access your blog, but if you have problems...the captcha does serve a purpose whether I like them or not. :)

  3. After I took the captcha off today, I had a new comment to a post from a LONG time ago. I'll email you what was posted.(Will NOT post it here as it could cause you problems on your blog)

    Luckily, it was a post that was from way more than 3 days ago, so I would have to "approve" it before it would be published. I may have to turn the captcha back on if they start hitting me hard within that 3 day zone.


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