Thursday, July 3, 2014

Friday Freebits with Ginger - #frifreebits

I'm currently sharing six paragraphs from White Heart, Lakota Spirit, a work I hope to re-acquire some day so I can add in all the little rules I've learned since I first wrote the book and make it a better read. As is, I still think it's a "bang for your bucks."

 For the present, I'm not at all happy with the "snarky" reviews I've gotten on Amazon, so if you like what you're reading and decide you'd like to review my book, I would greatly appreciate something favorable and TRUE.  I'm amazed that readers don't know that frequently women were taken hostage and choose to remain with their captors, whether out of an formed relationship or fear of how they would be treated after being a captive.  It's history, people!  In my FICTIONAL story, my heroine decided where her heart truly belonged.

 I also detest that someone felt the need to "tear down" the image my cover portrays, saying it smacked ofporn and Victoria Secret. Of course then someone else followed the leader.  Actually, Dawne Dominque captured the essence of the story with her creativity, and given all the practically nude and suggestive photos used on covers, I have no idea why someone felt a need to be so unkind. Judge for yourselves.  A young blonde woman is captured by the Lakota...does the image work?  I loved it!

 Oh well...on with my six paragraphs...


 Kev and I will finish our temporary shelter, so we can spread out
a bit.”

No more climbing in and out of a wagon to sleep. Grace clapped.
“Oh, Papa, that sounds so good.”

She sobered and flashed the look that always won him over…the half-pout, wistful gaze. “When we finally settle in our real house, it will be near a town, won’t it? Otherwise, how do you expect
me to be courted out here in the middle of nowhere?”

“I’m not so sure I want you to be cour...” He jerked around and looked over his shoulder. “Do you hear that?”

“Hear what?” Kevin asked.

“I hear it, Papa,” Grace chimed in. “Sounds like yelling.”

Her father stood and scanned the horizon. He pointed. “Look. There!”


If you'd like to check out the reviews or purchase your own copy, you can find White Heart, Lakota Spirit on my Amazon page.

Now hop on over to the other Friday Freebitters and see what they are offering up.  Bet you'll love it!

Jamie Hill
Tricia McGill
Juliet Waldron
Taryn Raye
Kathy Fischer-Brown
Rhobin Lee Courtright
Margaret Tanner

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