Thursday, December 10, 2015

Checking My List...twice

Thanks to Roseanne for keeping up her blog obligations and maintaining status quo while I languished in the hospital for the last six days. I'm home now, but weaker than a pup with Parvo.  *lol*I've had Parvo B-19 so I know.

Just to come clean...I did the damage to myself, but never realized how stupid I've been.  In 1991, for health reason's and wanting to stay alive for more years, I had my stomach stapled.  My whole life, I'd been told that I resembled my Dads's side of the family, and they had passed from obesity issues.  I wanted the resemblance to end.  *lol*

 The procedure involved 7 rows of stainless steel staples, a pouch and a silastic ring at the bottom of the newly-created pouch to keep the food inside longer.  Basically, my stomach was replaced with a much smaller capacity. I was forced to stray from Big Macs, fries, and large Dr. Pepper drinks.

Over the years, I've been plagued with stuck food, vomiting, and 5 endoscopy procedures to clear the digestive path.  This time, I waited too long, aspired vomit and almost killed myself.  In fact, I had such a hard time with my breathing, I remember uttering "let me die" to my sister and husband, and I've never had those feelings, ever.

Anyhow...I'm now resolved to making needed changes to prevent future episodes, and thanks to a doc who shared his honest diagnosis with my sister, I realize that I was on a perilous path. I've disregarded my own safety for the last time.  My sis even cried  and made me vow to never go there again.  I never realized that every procedure brought me closer to killing myself, and I've been very remiss in caring about those who care for me.

So, although I don't usually make resolutions for a New Year, let alone make them early.  I resolve to be a better person in least a healthier one.

I'm trying to get well enough to attend my DIL's college graduation on Saturday. She's determined and I so admire that.  WTG Carrie!

For those who wonder...would I do the stomach stapling again?  I'm not sure since I did lose and keep off 118 pounds for a time before the pounds came creeping back.  I even enjoyed a size 10 Oprah Minute in the process.  But at this point, I don't know how I would have fared without the weight loss.  I just wish the doctors had been honest enough to let their patients know of impending issues. I wouldn't recommend hospitalization as a weight loss goal, although I did lose 14 pounds during my aspiration pneumonia event.

Happy, healthy holidays to each of you.

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