Friday, February 11, 2022

Spotlight: Joan Havelange, Featured Author Interview By Connie Vines #Author Interview, #Cozy Mystery, #BWLPublishing

Today's featured guest is Joan Havelange

Thank you for visiting "Dishin' It Out" today. 

Please tell our readers about your current release 😃

Joan:  Book four is my latest Cozy Mystery, ‘The Suspects.’ 

The hilarious adventures of Mable and Violet. These intrepid amateur sleuths make their way through the European capitals to end up smack in the middle of murder in Moscow.

Connie:  Wow! Sounds like a great setting for a mystery story. What was the inspiration for this story?

 Joan: On tour to Russia, my tour guide related a story about a tourist in her care who died in a Moscow hotel. And all the hoops she had to go through with the authorities. Of course, the cause of death in ‘The Suspects’ is murder.

Connie: What would you like to see more/less of in the mystery genre?

.Joan: As long as there is a puzzle to solve, I’m happy.     

Connie: What, in your opinion, makes a good mystery writer?

Joan: A writer, who can weave a story with twists, with no plot holes.

Connie: Do you have a favorite paragraph/line of dialogue in "Suspects" published by BWL?

The Suspects.

Mabel bit her lip as she looked at the white waxy face of the dead woman lying on the bed. The life force that was Hilda drained away, her eyes wide open, sunk back into her skull, jaw slackened, and lips pale.

 “Come on, we have to get the hell out of here.” 

“Shouldn’t we look for clues first?” asked Violet. 

“Clues, what clues? We just erased them.” 

“But don’t you want to find out who killed Hilda?” 

“We’re in a foreign country.” Mabel started for the door. 

“That never stopped you before.” 

“This time, we are in big trouble.” 

“Why? We didn’t do anything wrong.” Violet insisted. 

Mabel paused, grim-faced; she looked back at the dead woman. “Really! We haven’t done anything wrong? We moved a dead body and interfered in a crime scene."

Connie: Why did you choose this location for your mystery novel?

Joan:  The mystery begins on a Nordic tour that ends in Moscow. I took that tour. It was amazing. I would recommend it to anyone who loves travel: Saint Petersburg, The Hermitage, the Summer Palace. And Moscow, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, Red Square, to name just a few of the sights. I wanted to share some of the fabulous tourist attractions with my readers. And, of course, weave a mystery around it all.

Connie: Joan, you are certainly a world traveler! If you were forced to live the rest of your life as one of your characters, who would it be?

Joan: It would be a toss-up between my main protagonists, Mabel and Violet. Mabel jumps into the middle of things with no fear. Violet is the opposite but a friend who always has Mabel’s back.

Connie: What are your hobbies? Do any of your characters share your hobbies/interests? Do any of your hobbies play a part in your novels?

Joan: I’m an avid golfer. Both of my ladies golf. My first novel’Wayward Shot’ takes place on a golf course. Violet is the better golfer.

Connie: Joan, do you have another novel in the works?

Joan:  I’m working on my next mystery, ‘Murder Exit Stage Right.’ I directed little theatre for many years, so this mystery is a joy to write. The publishing date is in October of this year.

Connie; Sounds like another great story! Joan thank you for sharing your adventures within your novels and with our readers 📙🕮🕵🔎

Readers, please click on Joan Havelange's links.

Joan Havelange - Russell, MB, Canada (107 books) | Goodreads

Thanks for stopping by today,




  1. Oooh, this sounds like a very interesting puzzle! Plus I can take a European tour through this book. Loved the excerpt and your interview. Best wishes on your new release!!

    1. Thank you. Connie was so gracious . Love this experience. I do hope you take the trip with my ladies. In The Suspects 🤗


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