I live in a make believe world. Okay, not literally,
but vicariously through my characters. I
decide where they live, name their towns, and sometimes I let them live in a
real city/town. I prefer small towns,
maybe because I’ve always wanted to live in one. I especially like towns with
Victorian houses and apparently so do my characters, because I use them a
lot. I often say I must have lived
during the Victorian area, probably as a mean old nanny. I’m sure I wasn’t the
lady of the house, and by house I mean mansion. Queen Anne homes are my
favorite. I love the round turrets, all the gingerbread, and wrap around
porches. It was always my dream to buy one and restore it. Unfortunately that
wasn’t to be and I’m past the point of wanting one now.
Back to my make believe world. I say I decide where they live, but that's not entirely true. Mostly my characters make that decision.
I’d also like to say I
choose my characters, but truthfully, they choose me. Sometimes I even get to name them, but if
they don’t like the name, well believe me; they misbehave until I change it.
And, yes, that’s happened several times. Just because I like a name doesn’t
mean they do. The last time it happened it wasn’t even a main character. She
was only in the story for a short time, but boy was she stubborn. She refused
to talk to me and anything I wrote was garbage, better known as dreck in the
writing world.
As some of you know, I write many different of
genres, from Women’s Fiction to Romance to Mystery and even Paranormal. Most of
my books are a combination of romance and another genre. As a reader, I’ve
always favored mystery and romance, so it only made sense to combine them. Mine are classified as cozy mysteries. I also
love ghost stories – not evil mean ghosts though. One such story is Shadows in
the Attic and another Time to Love Again.

. I’ve always been
fascinated by ESP, hence my story Entangled Minds –
Rebecca Brennan experiences
strange, realistic visions and dreams and she’s determined to find who shares
her mind. Her search leads – where else – to a small town filled with Victorian
homes filled with interesting people and puts her life in danger.
It’s fun working
with different characters, and I especially like when they add a bit of humor.
I really form an attachment to them. Once a character chooses me, I make a
character worksheet to discover everything about them, not just what they look
I love creating my characters, discovering their
careers, anything from housewife, authors, teachers, floral designers and
interior designers. Sometimes their careers play a part in the story, sometimes
not. The character in my work in progress (WIP in the writer’s world) is from a
previous story, Aunt Beatrice Lulu. It’s the third book in the Family Affair
Series titled It Is What It Is.
Aunt Beatrice Lulu first appeared in All in the
Family but not as the main character. Callie Johnson returns to her hometown to
take over the police chief’s job. Aunt Beatrice Lulu decides to play matchmaker.
What ensues is a string of unsuitable suitors.

So there you have a bit of my make believe worlds.
You can find all of my books at Amazon.
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