Saturday, May 18, 2019

Novels with a Purpose by Connie Vines

Thank you Rhobin for a timely topic for this month.

What would I like to tell my readers about my novels and their purpose?  

My stories, novels, novellas, and short stories reflect life.  My theme usually revolves around a social issue or a past the hero/heroine must overcome.

My first romance, Lynx (HOLT Medallion, Orange Rose, Award of Excellence, and Golden Chance) dealt with emotional abandonment and physical neglect.  Rachel Scott, my heroine, traveled the rodeo circuit with her parents during her childhood.  Her father, a famous bronc rider, was also an alcoholic; her mother was self-absorbed and ignored her daughter.

Everyone has challenges is life.  However, emotional abandonment is (in my opinion) is more damaging, long-term, than physical neglect.

As a teenager Rachel was left in her paternal grandmother’s care.  Living in a small rural town, Rachel had a sense of belonging.  However, after her grandmother’s death, Rachel was left, once again, on her own.  She had friends, a job, and for the first time in her life, she was happy.

Enter, the last man-on-earth, she’d ever wish to fall in love with: Lynx Maddox, champion bull-rider, self-assured, and handsome.

Rachel found comfort n the small-town clannishness of Running Springs.  It was why she’d stayed on instead of moving to Missoula, were she’d gone to college.  It seemed the most reasonable thing to do, even after her grandmother’s death the year before.  After all, the town and her small circle of friends provided the only emotional ties she’d ever known during her lifetime.  Rachel couldn’t imagine ever wanting to leave.

Charlene patted Rachel’s hand then turned and tossed her purse on a vacant section of the splintery white bench.  She tugged on Rachel’s sleeve then pointed to the arena.  “Look, honey, there’s Lynx!”

The rodeo was well underway by then and Rachel scanned the circle of cowboys by the catch pens.  She spied Lynx, off to one side away from the others. Her heart thumped against her ribs. She might as well admit it; she wanted to see Lynx again. She like looking at him.  Watching him. But from a distance where it was safe.

He moved with confidence, a sureness just this side of arrogance.  His walk was a cowboy’s deliberate, rolling gait as he headed toward the chute. In spite of her best intentions, Rachel couldn’t tear her gaze off of him.

Lynx felt a kick of surprise as he watched Rachel climb the bleachers.  She stood perfectly sill for a moment, scanning the area. He studied her, letting his gaze scrutinize her in considerable detail. Her black hair gleamed in a single braid, dangling over her shirt and the swell of her breasts. Her tight blue jeans outlined the sweet sway of her hips.

The noise of the arena faded.

Lynx swallowed past the dryness in his throat. . .

I believe for a hero and heroine to fall and love and develop a lasting relationship, they must work together to overcome challenges together.  They must also help each other become stronger and over-come past fears and insecurities.

This is how I achieve a Happy Every After ending in my stories.

Be sure and see what the other authors participating in this month’s blog have to say!

Happy Reading,


Diane Bator
Skye Taylor
Victoria Chatham
Beverley Bateman
A.J. Maguire
Fiona McGier
Dr. Bob Rich
Rhobin Courtright

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