Wednesday, October 20, 2021

What I'm Reading this Month by Connie Vines #BWLAuthors, #BookReviews, #WritingTips, #AmazonReads #Mysteries, #Romance

My Apologies for being remiss in posting to my blog site.  I've been living in my home while undergoing construction (my home, not me).  Chaos is an understatement. I'm happy to report there is running water, a kitchen and a bathroom sink, and my stove and refrigerator are in back in the kitchen.

Consequently, I had time to read many ebooks and post reviews 🙋🕮📱. Yay!

September and October:  My star reviews appear on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, BarnesandNoble, Smashwords, and other sites. I purchase from various vendors as well as the publishers' site when possible.  Reviews are posted with 4 - 5 stars ratings. I've linked back to each author's web or blog site for additional info./purchase links.

Reading at the moment: 

Death and Denial by Joan Havelange

Arranging a Dream by J.Q. Rose

Book of Practical Magic by Mikki Sadil

Read and Reviewed:

Ghost Point by Diane Scott Lewis

Dracula by Bram Stoker (which I read at least twice a year)

Fly Away Snow Goose by Juliet Waldron and John Wisdomkeeper

Deadly Undertaking by J.Q. Rose (link above)

The  Curious Case of Simon Todd by Vanessa C Hawkins

Opposites in Love, The Gemini - Sagittarius Connection by Janet Lane-Walters

Possessing Prudence by Betty Ann Harris

Loving that Cowboy by Victoria Chatham

Trading Faces by Ann Herrick
4 out of 5 stars.

Death Without Honor by Diane Bator

Diamondback by Elizabeth Dearl

Codename Romance by Kat Attaila

The Heart Leads Home by Sydell Voeller

Happy Reading!

e-book each month!    from BWL Publishing

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