Saturday, April 23, 2022

Are You Reading for Pleasure? Or Reading to Write? By Connie Vines #RoundRobin, #WritingLife, WhatAreYouReading?

Topic: How much reading do you do, both for pleasure and for a work in progress? 

This month's topic required a bit of pondering on my part.

While I'd like to happily confess to reading only for pleasure, this is no longer true.

I read one or two books a week in genre fiction (not the genre of my current WIP) for pleasure. In years past the number of novels, I would read solely for pleasure numbered one or two each day. 


Publishing has changed; authors have (sort of) adapted.

More and more of an author's day is spent on promotion via social media, developing book trailers, book covers, contests, and cross-promotion projects.


Unfortunately, this leaves less and less time for writing ✍ and even less time for sleeping 😴

🕵Here's the pondering I mentioned at the start of this post:  most of my reading falls into these categories: 

• Research for my WIP.
• The craft of writing. 
• Promotion, promotion, and more promotion.

All of my novels and novellas have recipes included; recipes that I have adapted from family recipes or are my personal favorites. Therefore, I have no one to blame but myself for this foray into kitchen time!!  🥣🥄🍲🍪 

Happy Reading,

Visit the talented authors participating in this month"s Round Robin Blog Hop!  

 Dr. Bob Rich   
 Rhobin L Courtright


  1. While you are absolutely correct about publishing and authors have changed and so much - too much - time is gobbled up with marketing, but still, I can't imagine NOT reading. I even have books on audio on my phone and I plugged my ear buds in while waiting for the dentist the other day.

  2. Yum!
    I'll eat your writing any day!
    Funny how our passions penetrate our publications. Somehow, all mine elevate environmental action and are punctuated by psychology.

  3. Yes, other things be it marketing or work or just life happenings can take over a person's time, limiting what they like to do. Plus other interests can evolve.

  4. Sooo true. I spent all morning on an email to a new bookstore, letting her know I have books that would be perfect for loading up her book shelves!


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