I nodded.
As he made his selected purchases, I followed him around with a tablet and recorded the prices. He explained his reasons for picking all the bedding. "I buy for my familia in Mexico. They no get good deals like you give me."
My tablet was small and I kept flipping pages and writing. When he was finished buying 15 watches, all the bedding, some blouses, rugs, and other items too many to list, he had amassed a total of over $100. I felt like everything we had done to this point was paid for. *lol* Of course he tried to haggle with me, but I remained firm.
"I gave your discounts as I noted the items."
He nodded and trudged off to the bank. When he returned, he purchased a few more things and went on his merry way.
The rest of the morning was filled with 'lookie lous' and people who wanted 50-cent items for a quarter. People expect something for nothing, I swear! Of course, at the thought of keeping and toting things to the Goodwill, I usually agreed to barter.
Gwenn and I shared a morning of laughs--mostly at my expense. My clothes, which I thought would be great sellers, are still hanging on the rack. Only one elderly woman showed any interest and I refused to tell her she looked good in a sweater that hung on her like Kareem Abdul Jabbar's jersey just to make a sale.
I remember all those hairdressers and saleswomen who lied to me. "Oh, your hair is absolutely stunning." Right...I looked like Bozo the clown and cried until I could get home and comb it myself.
Or..."That outfit is you."
Sure it was if I was looking for something from Omar the Tent Maker or wanting to appear on someone's worst fashion list. Yep, I absolutely refused to make money at the expense of someone's dignity. Too bad others don't share the sentiment. :)
Those pictures of naked women that looked so great as bathroom art raised a few brows. We are in the Bible belt, after all. A few men stopped and stared, but most women shielded their eyes and moved on. I don't think I'll display the pictures at the entrance tomorrow...and of course, I'll lower the price dramatically. Really, the things we thought would be snapped up, weren't. A brand new food processor....only $15.00...a new microwave $20.00...a brass lamp $5.00. C'mon people of Gallatin...these are deals!!!
Anyhow...we made almost $200 yesterday, so we decided to take day two off and go for Saturday when those who have jobs can stop in. We don't have a ton left, but there's someone out there just dying to have what remains. I'm hoping for some chubby chicks with big feet who need work clothes and some extra shoes. *rofl* I'm positive that person with decorating style is still out there looking for my lamps, and my dishes.
So, stay tuned, and I'll sum up our final tally for you. Just in case my bathrobes don't sell, I'll be having a special on car covers later next month. (I hate you, Dimes McDropperson).
A brand new microwave? My 20-yr-old one is about to expire. Send it to me???