Her assignment as an investigative journalist is to get the story on a sex resort, not sleep with her servant! But Kristine Olsen can’t stop wanting the sexy man assigned to her. She hasn’t counted on the unexpected feelings for Cole, and especially the story she uncovers.
When Cole Hunt spots the newest guest, he knows his week will be filled with more than just paperwork to close his resort. The blue-eyed beauty has branded him with her white-hot kisses. She’s keeping secrets, but will giving his heart to Kristine become his downfall when his resort is exposed?
Is breaking the rules worth it?

Kristine’s breasts tingled where they pressed against Cole’s hard, muscular arm. She shouldn’t be acting like such a sex-starved woman, but sex was the only way to get what she wanted. After all, this was the only language men understood.
She stroked his thigh, trying not to come too close to his crotch, only because she was afraid of what she’d do if she touched it. Would he be enormous? Or would she discover that she didn’t affect him in any way?
No. She did affect him. His dark, passionate eyes had given it away at the pool this afternoon. His green gaze told her how excited he was even now.
Taking a deep breath, she inched her hand closer to that part of him she knew she shouldn’t be touching. “Will you?”
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “Will I what?” His voice came out deep.
“Will you answer some questions for me?”
A heavy sigh came from him before he nodded. “What would you like to know?”
“How many people come to this resort each month?”
“I’m not sure.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’d probably say about eighty. It averages about twenty a week.”
“Interesting.” She dropped her gaze to his sensual mouth, then to the adorable dimple that creased his chin whenever he grinned really big. Why did he have to be so heart-stopping good-looking?
She met his gaze again. “Why do you think they come here?”
He chuckled and shrugged. “Probably the same reason you did. For a little R and R.”
She laughed before she had a chance to stop it. His eyes widened, as did his grin.
“You don’t believe me?” he asked.
“If people come here for rest and relaxation, why don’t they bring their husbands or wives?”
“Good question. I don’t know.”
“Oh, I think you do.” She scooted closer and eased her hand up on his thigh.
“Why did you come?” he asked. “I’m sure you’ve heard about the activities in this resort. Why do you think people would come here without their husbands and wives?”
She nodded. “It’s true, I heard about this resort from my friend. Honestly, I didn’t believe it, so I decided to come here and check it out.”
He cocked his head. “You didn’t come to find a lover?”
“Yet, you came knowing what to expect.”
“Why? Did you come to watch others groping at each other? Is that what turns women like you on nowadays?”
He shifted in his chair, which brought him closer. Her hand brushed against something extremely hard...and stiff. She sucked in a quick breath, trying not to act too surprised.
Knowing she had brought her hand too far, she slowly withdrew, but underneath the table, his fingers clamped over hers and brought it back to his erection, flatting her palm over it. She gasped, but didn’t pull away.
Heat rose from inside his pants, and his hardness pulsated against her palm. The urge to cup him and feel out his size was powerful, but she resisted. Her strength sapped second by second, and she worried of what she’d do if she couldn’t pull away.
Her breathing quickened, as did his, she noticed. She parted her mouth to say something, but no words would come. Only hot and heavy breathes.
“Is this what you want, Kristine?” His voice was low as he moved her hand over his length.
Oh, God. He had no idea.
Watch for my release with Carnal Passions Feb. 11th
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