Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Polite Do We Have To Be?

When you've sent out a manuscript to a few places and heard nothing for weeks...not even a "canned" response, how polite do I have to be if I decide to go a whole other route?  Such is the case with First Degree Innocence.  I worked so hard on this story...harder because it's different from my historical roots, and I wanted something more than just twelve cents per print copy sold through an e-publisher. My attempts at larger houses have gone unanswered and my patience has run out.

A few days ago, I received an invitation to place my book with a newly-formed e-pub where I retain the print rights.  The royalties are bigger, and I have implicit trust in the three founders.  I snapped up the opportunity, asked one of my two favorite cover artists to design a cover for me, and begged another author friend to give it a second look through.  So, now all I'm waiting for is the finalized copy to send off to the publisher and I'll have one more book under my belt.  My loving thanks to Dawne Dominique for capturing my heroine's agony in this stunning cover.

I've spent a good part of the day seeking pictures to create my book video, and trust me, there are no good-looking security, police or prison guards on Istock.  *lol*  I settled for a nice looking butt and tried to capture the most important points in the story. I hope you enjoy my new presentation; I had a good time putting it together.  Let me know if it makes you want to read the book.  After all, that's the point.


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