Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome Debra Dunlap

 Today, I'm pleased to host Debra Dunlap, a fellow Muse It Up Publishing author as she nears completion of her blog tour.  Debra is the author of Fallon O'Reilly &; the Ice Queen's Lair and I'm happy to help her launch the first book in her series, Magic in the Americas.  She's been kind enough to answer a few questions for us.


Please tell us about your book.

Fallon O’Reilly & the Ice Queen’s Lair is the first book in the series, Magic in the AmericasIn this book, twelve-year old Fallon leaves her home in the Alaskan wilderness to attend her first year of school at the Borealis Academy of Magical Arts.  She and her wheelchair-bound cousin, Ardis, befriend Eddie, a student from Wyoming whose parents both teach physics.  Fallon’s curiosity leads her into a dark mystery, wherein she and her friends band together to save themselves and their school from a great evil.
Are you a full-time writer or a part-time writer, and how do you organize your writing time?
I work full-time in the legal system, so am constrained to writing part-time.  My alarm is set for 5 a.m. to give me writing time before work.  For me, it’s much harder to stop writing than it is to start.  Thus, I frequently dash to work with hair wet from the shower and the words for magic spells still reverberating in my mind!

What made you decide to sign with a new publisher, Muse It Up Publishing, rather than an established company?

Lea Schizas!  I met Lea several years ago at the Muse Online Writer’s Conference, which she founded and I discovered accidentally while searching the net for something or other.  I loved and admired her dedication to helping authors achieve their goals.  When I read that she had opened a publishing house, I submitted my manuscript the same day.

Describe your writing space.

My writing space tends to change day to day and sometimes several times within a day.  I have a huge desk, given to me by a niece, where I like to write.  There’s plenty of space for my coffee cup, globe, printer and Droid.  Sometimes I sit on a couch with my laptop propped on my knees or a t.v. tray.  If the day isn’t too hot, I might haul my laptop to the park and sit at a picnic table.

What types of books do you read and who are your favorite authors?

I read everything I can find from Shakespeare to Chilton manuals.  Nearly everything interests me, although some of the ancient writers can be difficult to read.  I particularly love science fiction and fantasy.  Isaac Asimov is a favorite.  He’s written so many wonderful books on so many subjects.  I kept one of his non-fiction books on my desk while I earned my physics degree because he had a knack for explaining complex subjects.  I also love Anne McCaffrey’s books.  If I could choose to live on another world, I would live on Pern and ride dragons!

Now, as an extra treat, let's hear from Debra's Character, Fallon:

My name is Fallon O’Reilly and if you like rugged, unspoiled wilderness, you will love my home.  Fireweed Village lays hidden deep in Alaska.  It remains hidden, like other wizarding towns, because kippups would find it upsetting.  Kippup?  Oh, sorry.  That means a person who doesn’t use or believe in magic.  Can you believe some people don’t believe in magic?  Crazy!

I turned 12 years old this summer so I’m ready for school.  I can hardly wait for my first year at the Borealis Academy of Magical Arts.  Dad says Borealis has a stupendous library.  Yes, I admit I’m a bookworm, a dork, a nerd.  Choose a name that pleases you because it doesn’t bother me.  Even though my nose is always in a book, as my Mother likes to tell me, either the book or my nose frequently leads me into trouble.  I have a feeling this year will be no different.

There are rumors of strange events at the school and in surrounding villages.  My intrepid cousin, Ardis, will be at my side as I delve into what I’m betting will be a dark mystery.  Join us as we sojourn through our first year of wizarding school and across some of Alaska’s magnificent terrain.  You’ll be surprised at some of the people, living and dead, you meet!

If you'd like to find out more about Debra and Fallon, here's the link:

You can also find Debra at the following addresses:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debra,

    Sounds like a fun YA book, and taking place in Alaska should teach us something.

    Loved the excerpt, the voice is compelling.

    Great book for that YA reader on my Christmas list.

    Nice post, and thanks for sharing.


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