Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ginger Simpson-Six Sentence Sunday

It's SSS again and Super Bowl Sunday.  Hope those of you who aren't football enthusiasts will continue on with my time-travel with an historical twist, Sisters in Time.  I hope you're enjoying the bits I've been sharing.  To refresh your memories, Taylor has awakened on the Rocking C Ranch in the 1800s while pioneer wife, Mariah has been in Denver's best hospital and is now on her way home with David, the man who insists she's his wife.  They've stopped in front of a set of doors, and while in her wheelchair, Mariah questions why they're waiting.  David has simply said, "Elevator," like she should know what it means.

Today's six:

The massive doors slid open to reveal a strange little room. Without a word, David turned the wheelchair around and, tugging at its resistance to a raised threshold, bumped her up, over, and inside. He pushed another button, and the doors came together and sealed them inside. The metal prison sucked every bit of air from Mariah’s chest. She panted in quick gasps, detesting the feeling of confinement in such a small area. David seemed unaffected and obviously didn’t notice her state of panic.

Sisters in Time is available via Eternal Press or on Amazon in both download and print.  And don't forget to go to Six Sentence Sunday for more links, especially to Angela Quarles, a fellow time-travel author.  See you next week, when we'll discover some of the strangeness Taylor's discovered.


  1. She must be overwhelmed, what with the little lights everywhere, the motion of the elevator, the doors swishing closed, and then the claustrophobia. Poor girl.

  2. Aw, poor Mariah! I bet she's wondering if she will ever get out of that 'little prison'.

  3. Poor thing! I remember reading once about a character that had never been in an elevator and didn't realize it had moved up (or down) and thought when the doors opened that the space outside the doors had magically changed...

  4. Great Six! Really set a mood very quickly. Nicely done.

  5. Great six - I love scenarios like this with someone from the past not understanding something that's an ordinary part of modern-day life.

  6. Oh, things are not going well for her and, clearly, they're about to get worse. She's gonna be a puddle by the time he gets her home.

  7. Great depiction of the first elevator ride for a woman out of the past. :)

  8. Wait til she sees a car! But outhouses can be even smaller than elevators, and root cellars are pretty closed in, too.

  9. David seems typically oblivious to me! Great snippet!

  10. I keep trying to put myself in her place. I'd be terrified and wondering if I hadn't lost my mind. She's much calmer than I would be. I hope she can sort it all out.

  11. :-) Poor thing. I'm scared of elevators and I know what they are. Great job at showing what she's going through!

  12. Oh, I love it. Very nice job. I can feel her fear.


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