Have a belief system that sees the future as a better place than
the past.
Count your blessings regularly
Take responsibility for your own attitude
Avoid negative energy wherever you find it.
There's a story about a man who
went to a psychiatrist,
"What's the
trouble?" asked the doctor.
"Two months ago
my grandfather died and left me $75,000. Last month, a cousin passed away and
left me $100,000."
"Then why are
you depressed?"
“This month,
. . . it’s a matter of perspective . . . how you let it affect you … and how
you react to it. More than that . . . it’s a choice to either see the good or
the bad. And it’s right back to our
choice of attitude . . .
Parting Words on the Positive Attitude Habit - When you start feeling
like the idea of being a positive person is daunting, tell yourself this: “If
someone who really used to struggle with a negative attitude, turned her life
around with these four steps, then I can too!”
Believe in yourself and remember the most
important lesson of all… a positive outlook is a choice. Choose to be positive.
Choose to be happy. Life is short.
"Choose to have a great day."
There will certainly be days with circumstances that we are not able to change.
There may be people we deal with that act like jerks. But, regardless of what
we are faced with each day, we can choose to let it affect our attitude, or we
can choose to not let it affect our attitude.
Attitude is a choice.
Choose to have a great day! All successful people, men
and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in
every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision, that
goal or purpose.

What makes life different? Goal setting - I remember a famous
Harvard business school story. They evaluated a group of students in college,
and then re-evaluated them 10 years later. The study found out that the
students who had been the most successful in life weren’t the ones who had
achieved the highest grades. They were the ones who had specific goals, 10
years ago.
You can see that the big difference
between successful people and unsuccessful people. Successful people have their
goals in mind. They know where they want to go and finally they get there. So
you need to start with a target, a destination, a goal.
You may say achieving goals is easier said
than done, and you are right. Many people fail not because they don’t have
goals, they fail because they haven’t achieved their goals, giving up during
the journey. There is a long road from goal to success.
I SO needed to read this article today. It's almost like it was written for me. Thank you for sharing. And you're right, we do chose to have a positive outlook or a negative one. I, for one, need to examine mine.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
Glad my timing was right . . . as you can see ... yesterday I had to rely on my presentation, too! It's so easy to slip - then fall into bad habits. I think a lot has to do with how we are feeling - and then how we react. I haven't always been that 'cheery - positive attitude' person. I've had to work at it - retrain myself, then remind myself why I love feeling great about life, those around me, and of course myself. When we realize we need to examine ourselves - and our behavior - we know it's time to make a change. It's an exciting time - way to go!