Thursday, May 9, 2013


Social media is today’s buzz word.  If you’re an author – believe me – you want people to follow you on social media.  Learn how to make it work for you.  

I’ve heard the expression of ‘get in the habit of leaking exclusive offers and get social media to work for you.’  It’s a way to offer inside information about you or your books that can’t be found anywhere else.  You do this by tapping into people’s natural curiosity and lure and sway them to linger and even stay connected.
As an author, you can ‘leak’ information on:
·         A one-time discount item.
·         Special prices for a limited time.
·         ‘Leak’ a couple of paragraphs from the book you’re writing.
·         Share ‘unpublished’ chapters or unique background information not shared before.
·         Create drawings for spin-off products.
·         How about exclusive items only available for fans.
·         Share upcoming events and ticket info before anyone else.
·         Create a ‘special’ contest for fans only.
·         Hold a fan-naming a character contest. 
·         Hold a ‘ book title’ contest … winner gets a free prize.
·         Give “behind-the-scenes” access to never shared before pictures.
And of course the list can go on.  Use your imagination – but remember to make it exciting, fun, and entertaining.  You draw them in and make them an active player – and it’s a win-win.
People will join your online community when:
·         They know it’s the only way to get exclusive information.
·         It is a great way to win free prizes.
·         They might make a difference in naming a character or book.
·         They will have inside information on a book they love.
·         It’s fun and entertaining to participate, etc.
In order to maximize and expand this process, though, you must be consistent. If you only ’leak’ special information once a month or once a quarter, people will lose interest. Get in the habit of ‘leaking’ information at least every two to three weeks. Ask yourself, “What would make me interested in following me?”

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