Thursday, August 13, 2015

Character Interview with Sarah Collins (Elder) from Sarah's Heart & Passion and coming soon....Sarah's Soul.

Since I gave you a peek at my WIP during Sunday's Snippets this past week, now I'm going to let Sarah give you the backstory to the predecessor of Sarah's Soul.

Interview with Sarah Collins – Sarah’s Heart and Sarah’s Passion Now Combined.

HOST: "Today our guest is Sarah Collins, the heroine in Ginger Simpson's novel, Sarah's Heart and  Passion, which is a combination of two previously pubbed books...Sarah's Heart and Sarah's Passion.. Sarah, it's very nice to have you with us."

Sarah: "Thank you. I'm actually glad to be anywhere after the harrowing journey I had."

HOST: "Oh, do tell us about it. Our reader's love historical romance novels."

Sarah: "Ginger's latest book isn't a romance per se. It falls more along the lines of an'Americana or Contemporary Time-Travel.' There's a romantic faction involved and it's peppered with historical facts, but it's really more about me and my struggles--trying to overcome the hatred and prejudice that existed in the old west."

HOST: "Unfortunately, we still have those problems even today."

Sarah: "That's very true. The roots of unkindness run very deep, and often for no real reason. I got a very good dose of unfounded hatred in Sarah’s Heart."

HOST: "How so?"

Sarah: "Let me start from the beginning. *cups her chin and sighs*. My parents both died from Typhoid fever and I had no relatives left in Hannibal. Let's just say the banker wasn't at all helpful, and tried to barter to make me his wife in order to save Papa's land. I decided living with him wasn't worth that much, so I sold everything in the barn and a large part of what was in the house. I kept only what I thought I'd need to make a new start. I used the money from the sales to buy a wagon and team then joined a train set for California."

HOST: "Wow, brave for a single woman. Traveling such a long way, much less handling a team, couldn't be an easy feat."

Sarah: "I guess I should have mentioned I found a very nice man to be my driver, but only because I didn't know anything about handling a team. Actually, I gave very little thought to danger; I was more excited about seeing a new place and letting go of bad memories."

HOST: "Tell us more, please."

Sarah: "The wagon master and the other folks traveling with him seemed very nice. I felt safe traveling with the group, and I quickly became fond of Molly. We spent lots of time together, walking alongside the train and talking about our futures. We had such great plans and I never suspected *pauses and wipes a tear*...."

 "Suspected what?"  *leans forward*

Sarah: "T-that Indians would attack the train and kill everyone. I don't know how I survived." *lowers gaze to the floor*.

 "I see this is very painful for you. Don't feel you have to continue."

Sarah: "Oh, I'm  all right. I'm very lucky to be here. I tried to save Molly, but I didn't have enough medical knowledge or even tools. Losing her  friendship was bad enough, but then I realized I was truly  alone in the middle of nowhere and with no idea what to do."

HOST: "Oh, my gosh, what did you do?"

Sarah:" Luckily, I kept my wits about me. I realized going back the way we came made more sense than heading in an unknown direction. The big problem: The Indians took all our livestock and food."

HOST: "How in the world did you survive without anything to eat?"

Sarah:  "Ma taught me a lot about roots, berries and such. I had no doubt I could find plenty to eat, and eventually, water. I filled what canteens I found, took just enough extra clothing to keep me warm at night, then set off. I had to leave in case the Indians came back again. Dealing with the coyotes and buzzards was already more than I could handle."

 "Sooooo, did you travel all the way back to where the train started?"

Sarah: "Ginger will have my head if I give away too much of the story. Let me just say that after everything else I'd been through, I got bit by a gol-darned rattlesnake. I thought for sure I was a goner, but a very handsome, and I hate to use this term, 'half-breed', saved me. You'd think I would have been overcome with glee, but I was eaten up with guilt because I realized he was the same person I'd left for dead when I tried to steal his horse. It's a long story, but you'll have to read Sarah’s Heart & Passion to find out more."

HOST: "For sure, I'm going toread it. I can't stand being left hanging like that, but I understand you can't share more. Can you just give us a hint what happened after he saved you?"

Sarah: "One more little tidbit and that's it. Wolf...that's his Indian name...promised to take me to Independence and introduce me to a friend of his. That's where I ended up. Wolf, too. Now, that's absolutely all I'm going to divulge." *giggles*

HOST: "Well, I won't press for more. I do thank you for being here and taking time to share a little about your journey. I can't wait to read Sarah's Heart & Passion.

It's available with all Miz Ginger’s books at Amazon on her author’s page.  It’s a dang long address if you ask me…oh and the books are in print too. *Pulls paper from pocket*  I had to write it down.  *gazes at and reads from paper*

"Oh, and I I do have to warn you, a few people didn’t get the need for the ending of Sarah’s Heart so Miz Ginger wrote Sarah’s Passion to tie everything into a neat little bow for those who have to have that happily-ever-after.  I was shocked when Miz Ginger took me on a continuation of my journey.  I couldn’t believe how many people use books an escape and even though they expect all the history to be factual, they often overlook the most obvious of things.  Isn’t that a hoot?"

 "Now you have me hooked for sure. I'll be looking for your story…or should I say stories. Thanks again, Sarah, and I can't wait until Ginger finishes Sarah's Soul.  I'll be ready for it."

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