Saturday, April 22, 2023

Breathing Life into Your Characters By Connie Vines #Round Robin, #Writing Tips,

 Today's blog topic: Breathing Life into Your Characters.

Thank you, Skye, for this month's topic.

When I am nudged into a new writing project, I've heard snippets of dialogue in my head. Which is followed by a sense of place and time. 

Some writers see their stories unfold in a movie format. 

Other writers say their 'characters' guide them.

I say, "That must be wonderful' for you.

My characters could be more helpful. 🤣

My life is chaotic. Therefore, it's no surprise my writing process follows suit.

I do have glimmers of sensory details as I write. Not a visual movie, but I'll catch the scent of bales of hay, hear the creak of a leather saddle or feel a horse's breath against my cheek. All of these trigger an emotional response that breathes life into one of my story's characters.  

From days past, Tulsa and Midnight

As the story progresses, the scenes I've written often replay in my dreams--with a theme song. This drowns out any dialogue which may have been spoken. Oh, yes, a thunderous theme song--which plays (in a loop) all night long. And I woke up with a pounding headache the following day. 

Of course, bits of my personality does come through in each story. My life experiences color the story on some level., too.

🚢Because I suffer from seasickness (I had to lie on a bench during our trip on a Mississippi River paddle boat), my characters won't be vacationing onboard a ship.

But my characters will be drinking coffee...lots of delicious coffee.  

Visit this month's participating bloggers; they have great stories to share. 😊😊


Anne Stenhouse

Connie Vines

Diane Bator

Dr. Bob Rich

Fiona McGier

Marci Baun

Victoria Chatham

A.J. Maguire

Helena Fairfax

Judith Copek

Skye Taylor


  1. It's hard to explain to non-authors, how a little piece of me is in every character I write, male and female. But we all write the story we want to read, so that makes sense. A bestie of mine told me that when she reads my books, she feels like we're hanging out talking. I guess that's my author voice, which is going to be somewhere in every story, every character I write--no matter the genre, trope, or settings.

  2. Too bad about the sea-sickness. I love being on the water whenever I can, which is not very often. Notable trips have been whale watching in Victoria and Puerto Vallarta - during the latter we had a National Geographic moment when a humpback breached right in front of our boat. We were all drenched with spray, and again when her baby followed suit. Not sure I would ever work whales into one of my books, but did make use of being drenched.

  3. Hi Connie, that's so interesting that your scenes play out in dreams. How annoying that the soundtrack drowns the dialogue! I've enjoyed seeing how your write. Thanks for the interesting post!

  4. Hi Connie, So many writers ignore, or use sparingly, senses like smell, touch, taste. I have motion sickness, too, although I can generally manage a river trip. When I was a child the local buses had a distinct and distinctive smell. As soon as I step inside a transport museum, I am that five-year-old - just waiting to be sick and filled with dread. anne


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