Today, it's mandated that we spend a day cooking, eating, and hanging out with people we may not really enjoy. *laughing* That's not the case here, but I've had gatherings where I'd much rather be elsewhere eating a hot dog. This year, I'm feeling particularly blessed because my mom just survived a major surgery, my sister had a safe trip here, I have a wonderful husband I adore, and we are all relatively healthy and have a roof over our head. When I get down, I keep reminding myself of all that I have and enjoy.
I always look forward to Thanksgiving, but not so much for the food, fellowship and fun, but rather because it's one of two days out of 365 that I actually insist that people pray before they eat. You have no idea how great I feel to see those gathered around the table, join hands and bow their heads. I'm always the one to say grace, but it comes naturally to me. God and I are friends and I talk with him regularly. He's seen me through some very trying times, and although the conversations we have are one-sided (unlike the ones Jim Baker and Jimmy Swaggert claim to have), I come away with peace and optimism. I know not everyone shares my belief so I try to make my prayer short and to the point. I hope everyone can share that sentiment today. We need a whole lot more prayer and a lot less hatred in our world.
I found a very interesting site about Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, it sort of kills some of the imagery that crops into my head on this special day. So much for picturing the pilgrims in black, white and buckles. *lol* Check it out. Below, I've quoted one entry. Thanksgiving Myths
(Copied directly from History Made Every Day.
Myth: The original Thanksgiving feast took place on the fourth Thursday of November.
Fact: The original feast in 1621 occurred sometime between September 21 and November 11. Unlike our modern holiday, it was three days long. The event was based on English harvest festivals, which traditionally occurred around the 29th of September. After that first harvest was completed by the Plymouth colonists, Gov. William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving and prayer, shared by all the colonists and neighboring Indians. In 1623 a day of fasting and prayer during a period of drought was changed to one of thanksgiving because the rain came during the prayers. Gradually the custom prevailed in New England of annually celebrating thanksgiving after the harvest.
During the American Revolution a yearly day of national thanksgiving was suggested by the Continental Congress. In 1817 New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom, and by the middle of the 19th century many other states had done the same. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a day of thanksgiving as the last Thursday in November, which he may have correlated it with the November 21, 1621, anchoring of the Mayflower at Cape Cod. Since then, each president has issued a Thanksgiving Day proclamation. President Franklin D. Roosevelt set the date for Thanksgiving to the fourth Thursday of November in 1939 (approved by Congress in 1941)
Just thought I'd share a bit of history, since I tend to write more historicals than anything else. I know why... I'm sure I must have lived before...and I'm quite sure I was a fat squaw in the Lakota tribe. *smile* Maybe I should write a book about that.
Hope you enjoy your day and find time to give thanks for all you cherish and appreciate. Happy Thanksgiving to you, my friends.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!