Who is Delilah K. Stephans you ask? She's a fellow Red Rose author, and her book, Sarah's Story has received much recognition. I happened to pirate the following from her web site:
I'm a forty-five year old dreamer. As the bumper sticker says I believe in vampires, fairys, mermaids, and other fantasy creatures. I believe that there is more to reality than we ever see. I love getting lost in the world created by others and my own.
I've done a bit of everything in my few short years on the planet. Lived over a funeral home, been bitten by a tiger, stood in the surf as a pod of dolphins frolicked feet from me, been a nurse, a bicycle repair person, managed retail stores, sold appliance parts, even been an Army wife. I'm not done yet....
She certainly isn't done yet, and she'll be here tomorrow to share more with you. Please make her feel welcome.
Sounds like you have lived a well-rounded life, Delilah. But there are plenty more adventures to come your way, I am sure.