Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Write-ins by Connie Vines

Happy Thursday, Everyone!

Writing without interruptions and distractions--a fact or a life long dream?

If you have a full time day job (me) it is difficult to snag writing time.  While signing up for the book in a month writing challenge may work for many, it only creates additional stress for me.  Weekly critique groups were helpful when I was a novice writer.  Now I find I up giving up writing time and end up with several hours of home work.

So how do I get support, without taking on additional duties?

One answer: Hold a Write-in.

What is a Write-in?
A write-in is a gathering of writers at a predetermined place, within a predetermined time period--who work quietly and independently on his or her own project.

Is a Write-in like a Critique Group?
No.  Write-ins are only for writing. Writers arrive and leave at any time during the scheduled time periods, no pre-work is required. Any numbers of writers may participate.

Critique groups are for discussing manuscripts previously submitted and studies by group members.  Attendance is expected, and group membership is small and closed.

How Do I Orginize a Write-in?

A Coordinator.  Our network chair coordinates suggestions for write-in locations each week and posts information on our weekly email list.  We could set up a yahoo group, but that seems too labor intensive.  We rotate between several locations:  a reserved library room, local coffee shops, homes.

Since I like to keep my weekends free, I usually attend the coffee shop group 2 evenings a month.  Other members meet after a RWA Chapter meeting, or a book club event.

A Consistent Time Frame, with Exceptions.  Saturday groups favor 9 AM to 3PM with a break for lunch.  I favor the 6:30 - 8-ish group with multiple coffee refills, situated in several large booths at a quaint (aka: somewhat dated) coffee shop.  

This is a welcoming, open, supportative atmosphere.  The only rule is to avoid talking, so writers can write.  It is during lunch time or during the first ten minutes that we play social catch-up or discuss publishing news.

For those of you who love a bargain, my books are on sale this month on Amazon.  Starting with Lynx today, followed by Here Today Zombie Tomorrow.  

Happy Reading,

1 comment:

  1. The closest group to me is 75 miles away. I hope I can find a local group because it's so much more interesting to spend time with people who share your passion. I visited a couple of times, had a bad experience with a mainstream author in one I tried to form, and have since moved. I'm going to keep looking. Thanks for the reminder.


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