Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hi Readers,

Tabitha Shay here, author of the paranormal romances, Witch's Brew and Witch's Heart.

Pardon me if I seem a little out of it through this blog, but it's nearly one a.m., another sleepless night in this author's mad world. Why? Because my brain refuses to shut down and stop plotting the next scene in my next novel, Witch's Moon, scheduled for release later in 2008.

My heroine, Princess Kali, has just been kidnapped by the hero and when I close my eyes, all I can see is the poor princess standing naked in the snow and while certain parts of her body is exposed to the freezing cold of the Carpathian Mountains, she can't take her eyes off the scene unfolding in front of her. Her hero (Of course she doesn't know Koran, Captain of the Royal Guards is her hero yet) but Koran has his own private battle going on at the moment. A skunk has just ran up his pant leg seeking warmth in places the good captain would rather the familiar not discover. To make matters worse, it's nearly dark and we all know what creatures come out at dusk when the sun goes down in Transylvania.

You bet, I'm having fun creating the wild and unpredictable happenings of my Winslow Witches of Salem Series. If you'd like to learn more about the zany witches, the ups, downs, the steamy romance, the to-die-for heroes and feisty heroines and the most bizarre familiars ever written about, then please visit my website at

Or pay a visit to my publisher's website,
You can find my novels there in E-Format.

I'd like to take this moment to thank Miz Ginger for inviting me to be one of her guest bloggers this week.

Like the Terminator, "I'll be back!" throughout the week, so catch ya later.

Tabitha Shay

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